Convergence (3)

After the Paragon left, Ye Qingtang looked at Ling Yan and frowned. "Ling Yan, what did you mean just now?"

"What do you mean, Miss Ye?" Ling Yan asked.

"What do you mean by traveling with Sister Ah Yao just now? Could it be that you haven't given up on your plan?" Ye Qingtang asked.

"So that's what you're talking about. I thought that you were jealous. You made me happy for nothing." Ling Yan smiled and shook his head gently.

Ye Qingtang, "…"

"Can you speak properly?" Ye Qingtang asked.

"Since Miss Ye asked, I'll explain." Ling Yan smiled. "I invited the Paragon along because I didn't want her to come into contact with the Heavenly Emperor. According to history, the Paragon and the Heavenly Emperor met here. Unfortunately, that Paragon seems to look down on me and rejected my invitation."

Ye Qingtang sneered. "It would be weird if she regarded you highly."