He Was In A Western Restaurant With Another Woman

Nan Zhi seldom called Mu Sihan on her own initiative. As he had said, if he did not contact her, she would not contact him.

She had been hurt before, deceived and hurt by Nan Weiye and Bo Shaoxiu. So it was almost expected that she would have a certain degree of alert and resistance to men.

She did not dare to open her heart easily and could only erect a thick barrier to protect herself.

But since the appearance of Mu Sihan, her barrier had been broken little by little by his domineering and powerful attitude.

He was like a devil. He could make people hate and fear him but could not help but be attracted by him.

The phone rang more than ten times and just when Nan Zhi thought he would not answer, the man's deep and cold voice sounded in her ears, "Kitten?"

Nan Zhi remained silent for several seconds.

"What's wrong?"

Nan Zhi sniffed and tried not to lose control of her emotions in front of him. "I saw the news."