Nan Zhi, Is That You? (3)


Mu Sihan punched Lan Yanzhi's handsome face with his fist.

The sudden punch caught Lan Yanzhi off guard.

He held down the urge to hit him back.

Wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth, Lan Yanzhi frowned, looking at Mu Sihan with worry.

He had some doubts. Did Fourth Brother suffer from hypochondria?

To overly miss a person and as long as he saw a person who looked like her, he would mistake that person for her.

Lan Yanzhi understood his yearning for a person.

Back when that woman had left, he was also this pained and depressed.

Every day felt like a living hell. But time really did heal all.

When he thought of her now, he never had that gut wrenching feeling anymore.

But he knew Fourth Brother's situation was different from him.

His relationship with Nan Zhi was good, they both loved each other. Nan Zhi's sudden accident, no one would be able to accept such a heavy blow!