Standing Up For Daddy (2)

Ye Qing was lying on the bed and talking on the phone. His voice was deep and dignified, with a tone befitting of a person of high status.

He hung up his call when he suddenly felt that someone had entered the room and looked towards the door.

The ward Ye Qing was staying in had a living room, so after entering the living room, another door had to be opened before reaching the room.

He saw a small head poking in.

Slender and straight eyebrows, big black eyes, tall nose, small pink lips combined together was a face that would be loved by everyone.

Ye Qing narrowed his eyes.

He felt inexplicably familiar with this small face.

"Uncle, I'm your brother's son. My name is Ye Jie."

Xiaojie pushed the door open and ran to the bed with an innocent smile.

When Ye Qing heard his words, he stared fixedly at Xiaojie, as if he wanted to bore two holes in him.