
Staring at the woman who was kissing him, Mu Sihan turned his handsome face a little.

Her kiss landed on his tense chin.

Nan Zhi froze.

With her personality, he thought that she would give up like this. He didn't expect her to suddenly lift her hands to cup his face, before her scarlet lips pressed against his cool ones once more.

A faint alcohol smell burnee through his senses.

The moment her soft lips pressed against his, his mind blanked out, as if a current of electricity ran through him.

She froze, her long lashes fluttering slightly.

Mu Sihan looked down, his dark eyes landing on her face. This was the first time he looked at her properly after so many years.

Her hair had changed, and she had lost weight in her face. Her skin was still as fair and clear as before, while she had an extra femininity on her face.