Not as Important as His Child

It was already evening when they arrived at Layi Town.

After getting off the plane, Nan Zhi furrowed her eyebrows when she saw the town which had turned into a desert.

To the east was the endless primeval forest which looked like a monster with a gaping maw. To the west was the deserted town, the houses were all in ruins and there was no sign of any people.

This place was deserted and uninhabited, and the environment was like a disaster zone. The more she looked, the more Nan Zhi worried about Xiaojie.

Mu Sihan stood on a steep slope and looked around with binoculars, but there was no sign of Xiaojie.

"The brat is smart. He must have left clues at places he passed. Let's split up and look!"

Nan Zhi and Feng Yao naturally followed Mu Sihan and there were two special forces soldiers with them as well.