The Finale of Feng And Wan (3)

Ye Yanfeng's side.

Under Mu Sihan's arrangement, Ye Yanfeng saw Ye Fengshu who was held in solitary confinement. He heard that Ye Fengshu would be sentenced to death soon.

The Queen wanted to kill him with the cruelest method of torture!

They met in a small dark room.

Ye Fengshu had aged a lot, his hair had turned grey and there were countless wrinkles on his face.

Seeing Ye Yanfeng, Ye Fengshu's gaze was icy cold. "You unfilial son, you still have the audacity to see me?" He gave a mocking smile. "If I'm right, you're here because of the chip in your head!"

There was no expression on Ye Yanfeng's handsome face. "I know you won't let me off. I'm here to ask you about Shangguan Wan.

"That year, I was together with her, but she didn't remember me and told me that she had a shadow. Was it you who was behind this?"