
Xia Yanran looked at the man in front of her with a dazed expression. His tall body seemed to be covered in light like an exquisite sculptured statue, arrogant and flawless.

He lifted the corner of his lips into a wild and cold smile.

"Chief Editor Xia, Chief Editor Xia?" The previous boss saw that Xia Yanran was in a daze and called her several times.

Xia Yanran blinked and regained her senses. She sorted out her feelings and reached out a hand to Xiao Yi, showing her professional smile. "Hello, CEO Xiao."

Xiao Yi looked at Xia Yanran and hummed coldly in reply before his gaze moved away from Xia Yanran.

He took a few steps into the office and his gaze landed on the new staff who had recently joined the company. "Come to my office."

The new staff's surname was also Xia, and was called Xia Mo. She was a fair and beautiful young woman.