Scram, Stay Far Away From Me If You See Me Again

Pain came from Cen Xi's earlobe and she could feel blood appearing. From the corner of her eye, she could only see the man's expensive black shirt, and his muscular and broad chest, before he pressed down her head.

He used a lot of strength, like he was punishing her.

"Mr Qiao Sen, you're drunk…" Before Cen Xi finished speaking, a scorching hot tongue wrapped around her bloodied earlobe. His tongue licked her evilly.

A shiver ran up Cen Xi's spine as she immediately felt like she had been licked by a snake's tongue. Her heart skipped a beat. She didn't know why, but she felt extremely scared facing a Mr Qiao Sen acting like this.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have trespassed without any permission." She struggled, wanting to break out of his hold.