Don't Think About Leaving My Side in This Life!

In those days where he had no news of her, life was like a living hell for him and if it had not been for Little Apple, he did not know if he would have lived until she came back.

Then after she came back, he was afraid that she would leave him when he was not paying attention.

He was not good with words. He thought that she understood him and trusted him. But he did not expect that she would have thought that he had gone to find another woman.

She did not listen to his explanation and wanted to leave him again!

Bo Yan's emotions were slightly out of control and he felt a rage in his heart. His expression turned dark and he tried to control himself. "Yan Hua, from heaven to hell, don't even think of leaving me again in this life!"

He tore that divorce agreement into pieces, turned and left with a thunderous expression.

Yan Hua looked at the pieces of torn paper and the white shirt he had thrown to the ground, her chest heaving slightly.