
Cen Xi got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash her face. When the pounding of her heart had calmed down, she raised her head and looked at herself in the mirror.

A thin face, haggard expression and empty-looking eyes… This was not the face of someone out to travel the world. She did not look happy at all.

At the thought of her dream, she could not help but feel uneasy. Her sister did not have a cell phone and she could not reach her, so she had to go to Burma again.

After waiting outside the castle for two days, she met the servant who had taken her to see the Burmese King the other time.

Cen Xi gave the servant a bracelet and asked the servant some questions. The servant told her, "His Majesty treats your sister very well now. He just took her on a holiday the other day. I think your sister may be our King's wife in the future."