So She Didn't Leave

When the bodyguards at the door saw Gu Meng, they did not stop her. It was obvious that they had been instructed by the Queen.

Pushing open the door, Gu Meng walked in.

The Queen was no longer in the ward. Gu Meng looked at the man lying on the bed and felt like a lifetime had passed.

In just two or three days, he looked like he had lost a lot of weight and there was a faint stubble on his chin.

When she got closer, she realized that his face was very pale.

Gu Meng felt a lump in her throat. "Why are you so silly? I'm not worth you doing that for me!" She choked. "Do you think I'll forgive you if you do that? I won't!"

As she spoke, her tears fell onto his face.

She wiped her tears with the back of her hand, trying to control her emotions. "Wake up quickly and start your new life!"

Gu Meng reached out her hand and wiped away the tears that had landed on his face.