Long Ming Is Here

The loud noise shocked everyone in the room.

A tall figure in black stood at the door of the room.

The man stood against the light. The people in the room could not see his face clearly but the man exuded a cold aura that made people shiver.

The man's collar and cuffs were embroidered with gold thread, showing his high status.

"Who let you in? Get out!" The leader of the boxers shouted fiercely when he saw the imposing man.

But the man at the door was not afraid at all.

He clapped his hands and the clubhouse manager standing behind him walked in.

The clubhouse's manager turned on the lights in the room and the dark space became bright.

The man at the door slowly walked in.

He lifted his eyes and glanced at the room. His eyes were cold and his expression was arrogant with an air of absolute superiority and dominance.