He Left

Usually, before Wan Bao slept, it was Xiao Ying or Tang En who told her stories.

This time, it was Long Ming.

Xiao Ying had never thought about this before.

Long Ming's aura was strong and he was usually serious. Even children were afraid to interact with him.

But Wan Bao was not afraid at all. She lay on the bed, looking at the tall and muscular man beside her. Listening to his deep and magnetic voice, sleepiness slowly overwhelmed her.

After Long Ming finished his three stories, Wan Bao fell asleep.

The little girl was fair and tender, like a squishy ball and extremely cute.

Long Ming could not help but kiss her forehead. After covering her with the blanket, he walked out of the room quietly.

Xiao Ying was standing outside the guest room. When she saw Long Ming coming out, she asked, "Is she asleep?"

Long Ming hummed softly.

Xiao Ying was about to say something when her stomach growled.