Cold War

There was the sound of a splatter.

A drop of warm tear landed on the phone screen.

Xiao Ying stared at the tears that were slowly spreading across the screen, her eyes filled with disbelief.

She had actually cried for a man.

She had been trained since she was young and her heart was as hard as steel. The person who trained them had once said that men were the most heartless creatures in the world.

Women needed to learn to protect their hearts. Once they fell in love and were hurt, it would be a hundred times more painful than being physically hurt.

In the past, Xiao Ying had not believed it.

But now, she really felt it.

It was all because of what Long Ming said.

She had never known that words could hurt her more than arrows.

This was probably what it meant to hurt people without them knowing!

Xiao Ying closed her eyes, her slender body leaning against the sofa. She appeared exhausted and weak.