Xiao Ying and Long Ming's Ending (22)

Goosebumps appeared on Xiao Ying's arms.

This Liu Yiyi had been vicious since she was young. She was so bad that it made people's hair stand on end.

Xiao Ying looked at the director and did not voice out her guess, only asking softly, "Then what happened?"

The director sighed. "Fate plays tricks on people. Later, a couple with a good family background came to adopt a child. They originally chose the obedient Liu'er, but on the day they came to adopt her, Liu'er had rashes all over her face, and had a high fever and cough. The couple even brought an old man with them. The old man said that Liu'er had weak Yang energy and asked them to choose another girl."

A faint sneer appeared on Xiao Ying's lips. "Did Liu Yiyi get chosen?"

The director nodded.

"After Liu Yiyi was chosen by that rich couple, I found out that Liu'er's illness and rashes were all related to Liu Yiyi. I called that couple's house and Liu Yiyi answered the call."