Huo Ze and Xia Tang (103)

After Xia Cha asked Sister Jin for leave, she returned to Wenfeng County that very day.

Back at home, Qiu Zhi and Xia Zhenyuan could feel that Xia Cha was slightly different, but they could not put their finger on what was different.

In the evening, Xia Chuan mentioned it in front of them. He felt that Cha Cha had matured a lot this time, and there was something they could not understand in her eyes.

However, she was still as nice to them as before.

Xia Zhenyuan and Qiu Zhi did not want to tell Xia Cha what had happened at home, but under Xia Cha's repeated questioning, they still told her.

It turned out that Xia Furong had bribed the prop master and had almost killed Xia Cha. After she was sent into the police station, the people in the Xia family's old residence did everything they could do to get her out.

Xia Zhenxiang and Ye Guixiang complained non-stop in front of Xia Wangshi every day, badmouthing Xia Cha.