She Changed

Bo Cixue felt that she had grown horns tonight.

In the past, she would never dare to challenge anyone.

She could not believe that she would ask such a question.

But she did not say anything immediately, as if waiting for his answer.

She could hear the rustling of the leaves around her.

Bo Cixue thought that she would panic, but unexpectedly, she was rather calm.

She looked down at their shoes.

Actually, he was just a step away.

They were very close.

She took a breath and could even smell the fresh and charming fragrance on him.

It was strange that he could still keep such a clean and fresh scent in such an environment.

Realizing that her thoughts were wandering off, Bo Cixue quickly regained her senses.

She said nothing and neither did he respond.

This silence continued for some time and Bo Cixue was getting impatient. She suddenly looked up…