Heart Thumping

Bo Cixue's heart beat faster.

She subconsciously wanted to stop him from taking off his mask.

But it was too late.

She had put on smoky makeup like Nan Xun, her doe eyes looking dark and wild. Her lips were not too dark, but there was a femininity to it.

After removing the mask, she lowered her thick and long eyelashes unnaturally.

It was the first time she had ever imagined herself facing him in such a wild and unruly manner.

Although she did not hide anything in front of him, her current image was too different from her usual self.

It was very quiet around her. Her eyes were lowered and he was looking at her.

As if a century had passed, she slowly looked up and met with his dark eyes.

"Brother Xiaojie, is it strange for me to be like this?"

Ye Jie pursed his lips slightly and his eyes on her darkened. "You always surprise me."

Surprised? Not shocked?