Deep Love

The place Ye Jie brought Bo Cixue to was a famous couple forest in school.

Bo Cixue looked at Ye Jie in surprise. "Why did you bring me here?"

The couple forest was actually a quiet and lush forest. Apart from couples, ordinary people would not pass by here.

Ye Jie pulled Bo Cixue to sit on a long bench and said in an elegant and clean voice, "I'll tell you a small story."

Bo Cixue looked like she was all ears.

Ye Jie looked at her, his clear doe eyes bright and beautiful. A faint smile appeared on his lips. "In the past, a little girl came to school to look for a boy, but she couldn't find him and barged in here by mistake. In her disappointment, she saw a couple hugging and kissing."

"The boy's back looked like the boy she was looking for. At that time, she was crying and left the school in a daze."

The more Bo Cixue listened, the more shocked she became.

In the end, she was sure that the girl in his story was her.