Discovery (1)

Nan Xun stayed in the hospital to take care of Tang Mo.

When only the two of them were left in the ward, Tang Mo, who had woken up, raised his eyebrows and looked at her. "What did you do to make my family stand on your side?"

Nan Xun was peeling fruits, looking down quietly. Hearing his words, she did not say anything and focused on the fruit in her hand.

Tang Mo looked at her unhappily. "Don't think that I'll treat you differently just because you stayed to take care of me!"

Nan Xun remained silent.

After a while, she was done peeling the apple.

She brought the fruit platter to Tang Mo. "Do you want some?"

Tang Mo glanced at it. She was peeling rabbit apples.

She looked inexplicably cute.

"Didn't you hear the doctor say that I can only eat liquid food recently?"

Nan Xun hummed and took a bite of the rabbit apple.

"It's quite sweet." She smiled at him.