
You Lan had no experience in relationships.

The Crown Prince was the first man she liked.

When she was in the Southern Region, she was very popular and had developed a proud and narcissistic personality.

She had just expressed her feelings to him and he would like her.

After hearing that he had someone he liked, she had been hypnotizing herself, thinking that the person he liked was definitely not as outstanding as her.

But today, she finally understood that the person he liked was Sister Bo.

She had interacted with Bo Cixue twice and did not know her very well.

However, Bo Cixue's appearance, smile, and every action were rather attractive.

Before the Crown Prince came today, she and Bo Cixue had arrived at the ranch first and they had even competed at the ranch.

She realized that Bo Cixue's riding skills were not much worse than hers.

You Lan could not hate Bo Cixue.