He Knew That She Was Pregnant

Nan Xun sent a message to Bo Cixue.

Bo Cixue happened to be working near her apartment and went to her apartment after receiving Nan Xun's message.

After a while, Nan Xun received a photo from Bo Cixue.

Nan Xun had worked hard in the workplace for several years and had encountered many things, but she rarely responded to them personally.

She had her own private Weibo. She was considered a famous interior designer in the industry and had more than five hundred thousand fans.

However, she was too lazy to manage her private Weibo and would only appear once every two to three months.

Nan Xun looked down at the man leaning on her shoulder and her eyes softened.

She compiled a Weibo post and posted it.

Tang Mo woke up and saw Nan Xun looking down at his phone. He asked hoarsely, "What are you looking at?"

Nan Xun shook her head. "Nothing."

After they got on the plane, their phones were switched off.