Going on a Date

Seeing that Zhou Li was silent and staring at the phone screen, Shen Ting was slightly confused. "Dr Zhou?"

Zhou Li regained his senses and put his phone aside. "Hm?"

"The female classmate you brought to the villa last time, what type do you think she likes?" Shen Ting brushed away the hair on his forehead. "Do you think there's a chance for me?"

Zhou Li lowered his head and ate, then looked up at Shen Ting and said, "No chance."

Seeing Zhou Li's serious expression, Shen Ting raised his eyebrows. "I know there's no chance, but I don't want to give up just like that! That female classmate of yours seems quite easygoing when we talk in person, but after adding her on WeChat, I took the initiative to talk to her a few times, but she ignored me."

"I feel that she's hot on the outside but cold on the inside."

"No." Zhou Li's usually warm voice turned cold. "She's fine."