Long Plan

She could go out just because he asked her to?

When did she become so obedient?

Ning Yuan covered her head with the pillow, warning herself not to go out!

Since it was ONS, there was no need to meet in the middle of the night!

Ning Yuan lay on the bed, reminding herself to fall asleep quickly.

Only when she was asleep would she not be unable to resist the temptation and he would come to her with just a call!

After a long time, Ning Yuan looked at her phone again.

An hour had passed since he sent the message.

He did not send any more messages.

He must have left.

Ning Yuan got up from the bed and opened the dormitory door. She was about to go out when a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

Before she could react, someone pushed her shoulder and she stepped back uncontrollably.

The man's tall body squeezed in.

The door was slammed shut.