Mr Gu, Mo'er Has Been Taken Away

"What? Had you even met Fu Qinglun before?"

"No, I'd never seen him before in my life." Lin Shiyu replied in a serious tone. "At that point of time it shocked me when he said he wanted to marry me. I didn't want to deal with them, so I told him that I didn't need his compensation and would give him 'Legend'. After that, I just left. But, that lunatic followed after me and said something really strange about how we were playing a game of cat and mouse. He said since he'd offered me the status of Mrs Fu, it was mine for the taking. He left after so I didn't really get a chance to respond."


Tang Mo'er could imagine Fu Qinglun's arrogant demeanor. Afterall, any woman who held the status of Mrs Fu would be overwhelmed with bliss. However, it was a pity it was Lin Shiyu who had somehow gotten the status of Mrs Fu.

What others would deem as a dream come true was definitely a shock for Lin Shiyu.