I Don't Want to Die

He didn't actually leave.

He came back.

Tang Mo'er stretched out her fair hands to wipe away the tears on her face, but it had an opposite effect instead, with more tears tumbling down her pale cheeks. She knew that she looked even more pathetic, so she gave up struggling. Lowering her head, she burst into tears. "Why did you come back, didn't you just say that you'd be a cheap man if you came back to me?"

Gu Mohan looked at her tiny head, he could see her tiny face that was filled with streams of endless tears, like rose petals with speckles of water. She was enchanting.

He cleared his dry throat, speaking in a deep voice, "I just wanted to witness it for myself, whether a self-proclaimed and superficial gold digger like you would shed even a single tear. If you did, I wouldn't mind being a cheap man for once."

When a man was fighting with a woman, he could put down his pride and lower his head to apologize.