The Heavens Are Watching

Lu Qi'er had sex with a man, who could the man be? Other than Gu Mohan, there seemed to be no one else left.

Tang Mo'er's beautiful face paled in an instant. Though she knew that he had to do it for the antidote, she still couldn't accept that fact that he did it.

The thought of him pressing himself down on Lu Qi'er made a nauseous feeling grip her stomach and twist it in angry knots. It made her want to throw up.

Lin Ruoxi then walked over, her entire countenance smug and arrogant. "Tang Mo'er, have you heard? Brother Mohan belongs to Sister Qi'er, they are not only engaged but also slept with each other already. Please have some dignity, you shouldn't continue to be a shameless homewrecker!"
