Left on the Ice-cold Floor

"Mrs Gu, I was sent here under Madam's instructions to bear a child for Young Master. What authority do you have to chase me away? Madam is waiting for the cord blood to save Miss An'an's life. You're not capable of giving birth and yet you're barring me from giving birth to Young Master's child. You're truly vicious and selfish!" Lingling sneered.

Tang Mo'er's hands were formed into two balled fists by her sides. Why did everyone have to judge her for her actions, always expecting her to give her everything?

All she wanted was one month with her Mr Gu. Was it really too much to ask?

Mr Gu belonged to her, she wasn't going to allow him to give birth to children with other women.

Not while she was alive.

"I'm going to repeat myself once more, scram!" Tang Mo'er stretched out her slender legs and walked up, trying to drag Lingling off the bed.