Shi'shi, I Love You

The two men continued their discussion—-

"Oh god, Fu Qinglun is an adopted child? Then who exactly are his biological parents?"

"I'm not sure about that, perhaps, he doesn't have any. He was an abandoned baby and rumor has it that President Fu had brought him back from the orphanage."

"I simply can't believe that the most respected man in Karghalik, the one who exudes a dignified, noble aura is actually a counterfeit!"

"I can't believe it either, but Madam Fu's biological daughter has appeared. Since her appearance, Madam Fu has been on an emotional rollercoaster and the Fu family is in a total mess right now, including their company."

"I see, the Fu Corporation's second biggest shareholder, Zhao Quan has a sly personality. Moreover, he has set his ambitions on gaining control over the Fu Corporation. Now that it's been proven that Fu Qinglun isn't their biological heir, Zhao Quan is not going to miss such a good opportunity to take power."