Their Wedding Next Month

The next morning.

Tang Mo'er's luscious lashes fluttered and she opened her eyes. She had fallen asleep on the bed in the hostel.

She washed up, disposed the cake and dumplings on the table into the rubbish bin, grabbed her bag and left the house.

At the campus, a big group of girls had gathered there and were screaming excitedly—-Ah, Professor Gu, Professor Gu is here.

Tang Mo'er raised her eyes. A Rolls-Royce Phantom car had come to a stop. The door opened and Gu Mohan alighted.

The man was wearing a navy blue cashmere coat, with a white shirt beneath, and black trousers. He looked like a male god, and exuded gracefulness and elegance.

The girls screamed maniacally once he appeared.

Tang Mo'er did not step forward. She took a glance from where she was standing and turned around silently to leave.

Gu Mohan had already seen the familiar figure. In the sea of people, he saw her at one glance.