That's Enough, An'an

Lu Yan's hand, which was holding the cigar stick, froze for an instant. The brown eyes shrouded in the cigarette smoke immediately became astute.

He stared at Tiger and said in a low voice. "Speak, what do you want?"

"Release Master Henry and Elder Miss Flora. Get us a private jet to leave."

Lu Yan curved his thin lips. "Say something useful. This is your last chance to talk."

He was not willing to consent to the request.

Tiger's face became malicious. "I will count to three, if you don't release them on the count of three, I will blow up Miss An'an. One, two…"

The Police Tactical Unit troopers had arrested Master Henry and Flora and were waiting for Lu Yan's instructions.

When Tiger was about to count say 'three', Lu Yan waved his hand and spoke, "Alright, I will release them."