The Countdown of Fu and Lin(2)

There was a flicker in Lin Shiyu's pretty eyes. The two of them had arrived at this point, and in addition, her mother was in ill health. She did not have any more capacity to think about their relationship.

But at this moment, she still felt that her heart was aching with a stinging pain, as if it had been pricked by a needle.

"Shi'shi, it's not possible between Fu Qinglun and you anymore. Fu Qinglun is now a penniless and worthless fellow. He cannot take care of you at all.

"I can command all the taxis in Karghalik not to fetch him and all the hotels in Karghalik not to take him in. He's a dog that has lost its home. I don't like to see you aching for him. If you do so, I will cause him more pain. Do you understand?"

One of Fu Jingtong's hands was placed on the steering wheel, and the other hand was grasping Lin Shiyu's pretty face forcefully.

Lin Shiyu was in so much pain that she grimaced and spat out two words. "Let go."