This is My Girlfriend

Was it possible that Tang Chenyi was Lu Jinwen's son?

Lin Xuanyin wanted to ask, but the call had already been hung up.

Lin Xuanji had ended the call. At this moment, the shower door opened and there was a gush of cold air. Lu Jinwen walked out.

He had on a white bathrobe, his short hair plastered to his head. The belt of the bathrobe was loosely tied, revealing his exquisite collarbones and tan skin. Now, he seemed even younger and more handsome than usual.

His deep, almond-shaped eyes landed on her hands, which were still clutching the cell phone.

"My sister called just now, so I picked up… sorry, if you don't like it, I won't touch your phone again."

Lu Jinwen walked over and took his phone from her hands, throwing it onto the bed. "Let's sleep."

He got onto the bed and hooked his long arms around her waist, pulling her into his embrace.

He wanted to sleep with her tonight?