Little Lemon was Her Daughter!

Lin Shiyu bore with the pain and reached out for her phone to pick it up. "Hello?"

"Mama, are you done?" Little Lemon's sweet voice was transmitted over.

The moment Lin Shiyu heard Little Lemon's voice, she felt her pain subside. Her red lips curved upwards as her entire being softened. "Little Lemon, Mama is done now. Go to sleep first. Mama will rush home now."

"Alright, Mama is coming home. Then I can hug the nice-smelling Mama to sleep."

Lin Shiyu opened the room door. The perverted Mr Smithson's henchmen were no longer there. She just wanted to hurry home and hug Little Lemon.

She was so grateful that she had been blessed by the heavens with such a cute little angel.

"Mama, I have something to tell you," Little Lemon said mysteriously.

"What is it?"

"Mama, I met that uncle I like again. Mama should go for a blind date with him tomorrow."
