Kissing Her

Her delicate hand grazed his muscular thigh.

Fu Qinglun's eyes darkened and he glanced sideways. His dark red lips was almost touching her pretty face and he asked in a deep voice, "Playing with fire?"

Lin Shiyu batted her long lashes at him innocently. "What are you talking about? I don't understand you. I'm just picking up the cookie."


Fu Qinglun was being counter-attacked.

Both of them inched closer and he could both feel and smell the cold scent emanating from her body. The man's throat bobbed twice and he released her hand. Initially he wanted to tease her, but he was the one being teased now.

Lin Shiyu extricated her hand and promptly picked up the cookie. She wanted to move back to her seat, but at this moment she heard the man say again, "Wipe my trousers."