Giving Birth to a Daughter

Everyone crowded around Xuan Ying and Shi Xiaoxiao. Left on the floor, Feng Lingxue was abandoned like an old rag.

This included Xuan Mu.

Xuan Mu was also worn out from tormenting her and he instructed two men, "Bring this disgusting slave back. I want to enjoy myself today, so I'll deal with her after I get back."

"Yes sir." The two men dragged Feng Lingxue off.

The luxurious car parked outside the South Palace. Feng Lingxue held her pain in as she slowly walked into the South Palace.

Bending down over a fountain along the road, she looked at her reflection through the clear waters. She had already wiped the blood dry. Her beautiful face was now marred by the ugly carving of the word 'slave' on her right cheek.

This word was going to accompany her for her entire life, as a token of her shame.

Once a slave, always a slave.

Feng Lingxue knelt there and hugged her knees as her mind went to a distant place.