A Good Husband

It was nighttime when the limousine arrived at the palace.

Jun Xiqing got off the car and stretched out lazily. She felt like she had gotten a really good sleep. But her lips felt swollen and her tongue a little numb.

"Ping Ping, were my lips stung by bees?" Jun Xiqing asked suspiciously.

Ping Ping blushed and quickly averted her eyes. How to tell Her Highness that she hadn't been stung by bees, but was… kissed thoroughly by President Lu.

President Lu had kissed her for a long, long time.

He had more or less been kissing her the entire journey. It was like he was taking advantage of her deep sleep to bully Her Highness.

But there was nothing she could say at all.

Jun Xiqing and Ping Ping entered the palace. At night, Ping Ping helped Jun Xiqing brush her long hair. "Your Highness, do you know what day it is tomorrow?"

"Dongfang Ruoli's birthday. I see that the palace has already made preparations for a huge party."