Chapter 1912 I’ve come to get my ring back

At this moment, hot tears blurred her vision. Su Xiaoying knew that this man, whom she had loved and hated for many years, had left her life.


The next morning.

Su Xiaoying stopped the Ferrari. Her children, Nini and Rui Rui, came with her.

Nini held her mother’s hand, her eyes red as she pointed at the ruins in front of her. She sobbed, “Mommy, that’s the place. Daddy died there.”

The Sea of fire had turned into ruins, and Feng Sinan had died there.

A cool breeze blew across her face, bringing with it some cold air. Su xiaoying lifted her feet and walked into the ruins.

He died here?

Su Xiaoying squatted down. She slowly stretched out her small hand to pick up something that had fallen into the ruins.

It was a diamond ring.


It was the diamond ring that Feng Sinan had always worn on his left ring finger. It was the wedding ring that he had given her. All these years, he had always worn it on his hand and had never taken it off.