Chapter 2237“You are my blazing sun (437)”

Ah Juan was on the verge of a mental breakdown. She reached out to grab Ah Wu, but Ah Wu did not Dodge. His long nails quickly scratched a few bloody marks on Ah Wu’s body.

At this moment, Ah Wu reached out and firmly held ah Juan in his arms, preventing her from going crazy again. “Ah Juan, calm down!”

Ah Juan’s emotions gradually calmed down, but her face was as pale as a ghost. When she saw the bloody marks on Ah Wu’s body, she felt sorry and distressed. She wished she could give herself a few slaps, “I’m sorry, Ah Wu. I didn’t do it on purpose. I was too emotional just now. I love you too much. All these years, you’ve been the light and hope in my hands. I love you so much. I don’t want to share you with any woman. You Don’t want to fall in love with anyone else, okay?”

Ah Juan’s tears started to fall as she sobbed and begged Ah Wu.

Ah Wu’s eyes were very dark. He did not care about the wounds on his body. He nodded and said, “Okay.”