If You Were My Son You'd Be Dead

Tong Hua turned into a little ratchet instantly and yelled, "I just want to propose! I just want to drive you crazy!"

"…" Shen Qianshu stared blankly.

Everyone around was dumbfounded. In life, there were many terrible people and rude words, but where did the gentlemanly Little Master go?

Was he possessed by some weird thingy?

Master, you are really clever!

"If you were really my son, you'd be dead!"

Tong Hua humphed coldly. "Can you even give birth to someone so handsome and smart like me? Stop boasting."

Shen Qianshu's headache was so bad she rubbed her temples.

"Shut up!"

"Okay, I'll shut up. Just wait, I helped my mom seek for partners online. After all, if the people who wanted to be my dad lined up in a queue, the queue would span from China to Turkey. Who wants you!"