The Little Fairy With The Standard Of A Movie Queen

Lin Xiaojuan's face had slightly turned pale, and she shivered a little from the anger. Under the eyes of everyone, she could not lose her cool. At this instant, a pair of long arms slightly surrounded her waist. She had her fingers gently interlocked on his waist. She could smell a faint scent of sandalwood from his body.

"Miss Lu, you can eat whatever you want, but you cannot spout nonsense. Yan Jianming and I have wooed Xiaojuan at the same time. Do you think that Xiaojuan will choose Yan Jianming?" Gu Xie stood proudly like the plums on the branches. He was full of disdain for Yan Jianming. "Based on him, is he worthy?"

Everyone was shocked. "…"

This sentence was rather arrogant.