As Long As I Love Her

Yan Jianming's humiliation turned into anger. "Look at yourself. Like a dead fish. Who would love you? Just you wait, he'll kick you out of his life eventually."

Gu Xie furrowed his eyebrows and took a few steps forward, putting his arm around Lin Xiaojuan lightly. She had long been shaking from her anger. When she saw Gu Xie, she jumped in shock. Thinking of the vicious words she had just said to Yan Jianming previously, she blushed in shame and anger.

"Yan Jianming, you are seriously such a disgrace to the male gender!" Gu Xie stared at him coldly.

Yan Jianming was a little afraid of Gu Xie but not at all of Lin Xiaojuan. He was sure that Lin Xiaojuan loved him and would never do anything in retaliation. But as for Gu Xie, he was very frightened.

Everything that belonged to him was taken away by Gu Xie.

"Gu Xie, didn't you hear that? She doesn't even love you."