Shen Qianshu, Control Yourself!

Shen Qianshu was flustered. In the next moment, someone had already pressed her waist down and kissed her. She lost her grip and fell into his arms. He hugged her, and it was really comfortable as if they were a perfect match. Everything that belonged to her fell into his arms.

He pulled her dress up and moved upward from her thighs. The warmth from his palms was transmitted into her body. His wicked and impatient fingers removed the piece of clothing that was in the way. Shen Qianshu's body stiffened. Memories of that night when the nightmare occurred had returned like a bolt of lightning and hit her on the head, making her body stiffen like a rock.

"Hurts…" Shen Qianshu squirmed, wanting to move away from his hand, but she was frightened to notice something surprising.

He… he is having an erection!!!