What Goes Around Comes Around 2

The entire venue was silent. Ye Ling had exposed a huge secret that made everyone really puzzled and shocked. This was the biggest scandal in so many decades of the jewelry industry. Someone had actually been crowned wrongly to such an incredible point.

Ye Ling explained a very long story clearly with just a few sentences, and the audience was not silly either. Seeing Shen Lin's pale face and the two videos, they all knew something. Shen Qianshu sat at a side, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

It felt as if the dust had settled.

If you do something bad, people will inevitably hear about it.

There are no such things as 'secrets' in this world.

As long as it exists, there is always a way to trace it down.

"No, I didn't!" Shen Lin shrieked. Her tears were streaming down her face. "You are accusing me!"