Qianshu, Come Here!

Every note was perfect. Even more so, it was clear that some notes had been made to seem more beautiful and romantic.

He was like the King of Cyprus in the legend.

Lonely and longing for love!

Since she left the castle, she had barely touched the piano for all these years due to her busy life. When Tong Hua learned the piano, she would accompany him every time and reminisce about the days in Paris.

Other than that one nightmarish night, those days were happy and joyful.

Although Ye Ling always made things difficult for her, those memories were still all sweet.

The lights in the hall were made dimmer, and a white spotlight shone on Ye Ling. The strong lighting made him seem even more beautiful. He was like a piece of art. He played the graceful tune that floated around every corner of the hall. The lights shone on his amber eyes, and they shone brightly like a star.

That starlight landed on Shen Qianshu.