Frightened To Death

Shen Qianshu and Tong Hua had walked for approximately eight hours in the tunnel, yet it seemed like they would never see the other end of the tunnel. Shen Qianshu was very composed. She was not a person who would break down easily. She was worried for Ye Ling, and she knew that if she could not make her way out of this mountain, that look she had for Ye Ling would be the final one in her life.

She would never accept such a life that would make her regret.

As time passed, Tong Hua and Shen Qianshu got really hungry.

The tunnel got darker as they went deeper, and there was less light in the pathways. The two of them were cold and hungry. Shen Qianshu took out her jacket and wrapped Tong Hua in it.

Tong Hua said, "Mommy, wear it. I'm not cold."

His voice was really shaky.

Tong Hua was easily cold.

No one knew a child better than his mother.