Master, You Will Get Slapped In The Face

Master and Second Master Ye looked at each other in consternation.

Ye Ling sat up straight.

The special agents in the surveillance room all looked down awkwardly, unable to look at them in the eye.


Ye Ling was silent. His face was pale, and he looked really sympathetic.

"Regarding this matter, you handled it really badly. When I received the news overseas, I was frightened out of my wits. My legs were like jelly when I boarded the plane. On the plane, I thought of countless possibilities and resented myself for not coming to help you earlier. You dying without your body intact was definitely a strong blow to sis-in-law. She almost went crazy and needed to rely on medication to fall asleep for many nights," Ye Tingyun said.

"Tell me, how did she find out?"

"Big brother, that's not the main point!" Ye Tingyun facepalmed.