Read Your Book and Stop Interrupting

"Aren't you afraid that Yang Po would not give up and ruin your lives?" Zhong Ran asked.

"Do you think I'm silly? On the second day of our discussions, there was a burglary in my home! All the videos and photos were gone, but it's fine. The ones that were gone were just copies. I had already emailed the original copies to a friend in Paris. If he has what it takes, he should find my friend abroad. I knew that he was a merciless man and that he wouldn't stop. At the second discussion, we made it clear. If any of us among the three took any wrong step, his future in politics would be gone." Shen Qianshu replied.

"He's such a highly ranked official. Having a life and death struggle with commoners like us is just not worth it for him. Thus, the matter ended there and then." Shen Qianshu was really angry. "The stupid customs even lost my original documents. In fact, I had lost the means to threaten them already, but it's just that they have no idea."