Nothing Back?

Ye Ling was dealing with an important document in the study room. He had just finished dealing with the matters, and Ye Tingyun had already sent his workers to upgrade the security system. To do that, they had to switch off the entire security system, and the upgrading process needed about 4 hours.

Ye Ling called Zhong Ran over. "Arrange for guards to patrol the area at every corner of the castle throughout the night. The upgrading process needs about 4 hours."

"Yes, Master!"

They had to work overnight today.

After Zhong Ran left, Ye Ling looked at his documents in deep thought, pointing around. Ye Tingyun worked way faster than he had thought. The castle in Paris also got its upgraded system at the same time.

"Master…" Shen Qianshu brought a food tray with a glass of juice and some snacks over as supper for Ye Ling. He was reminded of the days from seven years ago when she was like a shadow around him.

Here and there.